House Rules

As everyone knows, the longer you play a game the more likely it is that you’ll customize some small part of the rules to make things easier within your group. Maybe it’s to make things more challenging, or perhaps even further citing “precedence” like the group has an official codex containing errata created over years of embittered arguments about an inane rule. In any case, here are some of the house rules we use to make things a bit more challenging, along with some gadgets we’ve picked up over time.

Dinosaurs Augmentation Action Clarification

Despite its ability description, the Dinosaurs’ Augmentation action may only be used on a minion in play. The abilities in Smash Up are usually specific about when, where, and how you may play a card; they will normally say “on a base” or “in play” when specifying exactly how you may use that particular ability. However, the Dinosaur Augmentation Action has a confusingly vague ability: “One minion gains +4 power until the end of your turn.